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Achillea is useful genus wit many of the garden worthy plants coming...
Agapanthus (Liliaceae) the African Lily, a useful plant for the garden, the...
Explore an Oasis of Plants with Champion Plants - Your Premier Destination...
A range of plants which can be perennials and alpines but are...
Astrantia is a lovely plant with a strong robust growth habit and...
This great perennial has large oval, green foliage which is variegated in...
We are a specialist nursery growing over 60 varieties of Buddleja, Buddleja’s...
Canna is a lovely foliage plant with a range of colours from light...
Great for adding height and cover to bare areas.
Known as montbretia, this large genus has many garden worthy varieties with...
A real winner! A proven garden mainstay producing lovely tall spires of...
Echinacea purpurea originates from the United States and has also been known...
A very colourful perennial/sub-shrub with striking foliage in a variety of colours, some...
Perfect for adding a tropical feel to your garden
Digitalis (commonly known as the Foxglove) is a fantastic Genus of plants...
Garden trees ideal for small gardens
Perfect for softening edges and prolonging interest.
Discover the Enduring Charm of Hardy Ferns for Your UK Garden Unleash...
Hardy Geraniums are useful for many areas of the garden, known by...
Why Choose Our Perennials? Hardy Herbaceous Perennials (UK) play a key role within...
Hardy Shrubs (UK) are one of the most important types of plants...
'Sneezeweed' is a lovely addition to the garden with good colour in...
Daylily, A lovely perennial which retains a clump of blade like leaves...
Formerly known as Schizostylis and known as the 'Flag Lily', Hesperantha is...
A fine performing perennial which is happy in most conditions, clump forming...
Japanese Anemone, a real winner for the garden putting on a fine...