Collection: Hardy Shrubs

Hardy Shrubs (UK) are one of the most important types of plants in your garden, they add structure to any border as well as height and interest. The diversity within this group of plants is vast and you can find everything from winter interest in the form of foliage colour and highly scented flowers to explosions of colour from flowers and foliage in Spring, some shrubs produce berries which is great for wildlife others have colourful bare stems in winter that catch glisten in the sun on a clear day, so whatever you are looking for there is always something of interest within this group. Shrubs are defined as plants that have multiple woody stems throughout the year and can be Deciduous (lose their leaves in winter), Evergreen (retain their leaves all year round) and semi-evergreen (retain some of the previous years leaves over winter e.g. Beech hedging, Hypericum Hidcote etc.).